The language.

Table of Contents

A concatenative, stack programing language. Inspired by the FMC, FMCt, and Forth.

Language Syntax

NB: This page is marked as WIP

The syntax of space is minimal:

TERM         ::= WORD
               | NUMBER
               | KEYWORD
               | EVALUATE_OPP
               | PUSH_OPP
               | SEND_OPP
               | PUSH_DICTIONARY
               | POP_DICTIONARY
               | THUNK
               | COMMENT

WORD         ::= [a-zA-z]+

NUMBER       ::= [1-9]+[0-9]*

KEYWORD      ::= ":"[a-zA-z]+


PUSH_OPP     ::= "^"

SEND_OPP     ::= "$"

THUNK        ::= "[" TERM* "]"

COMMENT      ::= "{" .* "}"

Example Terms

1          {number}
2 3 if [x] {numbers, words, thunks}
^          {push{
( x x + :foo [y] ^ y )
{ simple comment }
x;*         -- is simply calling variable x
x;y;*       -- is calling variable x and then y
[x;*];*     -- pushses a call to variable x to the default/"Home" stack
[x;*];<y>;* -- pushes a call to variable x to the default stack and then binds this command to variable y

eval(x) = eval(eval(x))

Types Syntax

There are two levels of types: values and types.

Any type is a set of Values or Constructors.

()    :: ()
1     :: Z

^()   :: {}       -> ({1})@
^1    :: {}       -> ({Z})@
^1;^2 :: {}       -> ({Z;Z})@
+     :: ({Z;Z})@ -> {}

[*];<x>;eval ::


T ::= {}
    | TYPEVAR      ; T
    | Z            ; T
    | Ch           ; T
    | 5.{T}        ; T
    | [T -> T]     ; T
    | (T)@LOCATION ; T


  • x
  • Z
  • ({} -> Z)@
  • {} -> ({} -> Z)@
Z  :: {} => gamma@[{} => Z]
1  :: {} => gamma@[{} => Z]